Wednesday, November 5, 2008

4 Years

Well, the Election is over. The side I chose didn't win. Most of us knew it before the election day, so I wasn't as down as I thought I'd be. Even then, I still cannot get rid of this sick feeling in my stomach... It'll be interesting to see what the heck Radio Broadcasters will talk about now. I had to put in the headphones at work today because everything on the air was, "Obama this, Obama that." More like Obama Nation = Abomination! Well, I wont be mad anymore, no no I wont.

Mark my words though, If his leadership in this country effects my family in any way, Oooooh Boy. I can't do anything, but my heart will for the first time in my life be filled with Hate towards the President of the USA.

In all honesty, I'm scared, seriously, and I hope everyone who I love in life is safe at the end of his 4 years.

1 comment:

Em said...

Butler, I totally fricken agree with you. I really hope that I am wrong about him and that he does us well other wise the next little while is gonna suck something fierce. king osama rules...for now.